Mechanical Engineering is an important branch which is likely to be introduced as a full-fledged branch in near future. The department undertakes teaching of subjects like Engineering Drawing. To cater to the need of core subjects, the Department has mechanical Workshops, Strength of Material, Fluid Mechanics. lab is equipped with Tensile Testing Machine, Brinell Hardness Testing Machine and Impact Testing machine, Single Purchase Winch Crab, Double Purchase Winch Crab, Worm and Worm wheel, Jib crane, Spring Stiffness Testing Apparatus, Simply Supported Beam and Screw jack, etc.
Thermal Engineering lab consists of Section Models of two stroke and Four stroke petrol and diesel engines, and different models of low and high pressure boilers with mountings and accessories.
Fluid Mechanics lab is equipped with latest apparatus such as Venturimeter, Orifice meter, Flow meter, Pipe friction and Bernoulli’s Theorem Apparatus.
Mechanical Engineering workshops consist of fully equipped shops vizFitting, Carpentry shop, and Welding shop.
Electrical shop
The machine shop has modern engine lathes, Universal Milling machine, Shaper, Drilling machine and tool grinders.
The institute has fully equipped labs with the latest equipment’s to impart practical training to students relevant to the needs of the hour students are well placed in industries like Sonalika, Bhel Railways, Delhi Metro, Escorts etc.